
The reason I do what I do!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Taking the time...

Some things take time.

You usually do not walk up to someone and talk to them and they are instantly your best friend.

There are different levels of intimacy. Finding that with each person in your life is sometimes trial and error.

There are things I will tell an acquaintance like..... my washer is broke..... 
To telling your sister she hurt your feelings when she made a comment about your child.

As your level of trust with a person grows so does your intimacy with them.

I have come to appreciate the difference of intimacy I have with different individuals.
Sometimes I get caught in a pickle (as my Grandma would say) because I expect my level of intimacy to be the same with all people.

I share everything with my husband. I share an intimacy (obviously) with him that I share with no one else. And for marriage to be strong it needs to be continual and on going. Not the same I share with other family or friends.

When a level of intimacy is broken or challenged by friends or family it can rock my world. I am seeing though that it can be rebuilt and grow again.

God desires that same intimacy with me.
How often am I too busy? To distracted?
I too break intimacy with him because it is not convenient or my to list is too long.

There is a restoration that takes place when I run back to him and ask for him to restore me.

In Luke 3:19 it says a time of refreshment comes from the Lord when we repent.
I am so THANKFUL for that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that is there every time I turn to him.

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