The next 4 references to Love you neighbor have to do with how you should go about this.....
As you would yourself. (Matt 19:19, Matt 22:39,Mark 12:31 Mark 12:33)
Nothing says Bulleye more!!
I am not sure I love myself and this is where my struggle begins.
I am not 100% sure it is meaning actual I love myself, but maybe the aspect of accepting myself.
If I can not accept who I am in Christ it makes it really hard for me to put on Christ and see others as He does.
In certain situations I find this easy to do, like my little neighbor girl who lost her mom, I see her with Christ's eyes as a orphan, I am willing to love her and bring her into my house whenever I can share Christ's love with her.
But other times when I feel betrayed by someone whom I thought was a friend, putting on Christ and loving them like He would is very difficult.
But in Mark 12:33 it says that when you do love your neighbor as yourself it is more important than burnt offerings and sacrifices. These things are what the old testament refers to as a sweet aroma to God.
This pleases Him.
This is what I should strive for.
Another challenge to help transform me.

The reason I do what I do!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Loving thy neighbor
Ok so the title of my blog......
I picked the title because it is one of the things the Bible calls us to do,and it is an area of struggle for me.
And it is referenced several times in the Bible. This will be a series of blogs on these verses as each verse has something different to learn from.
HINT*** We must need to be reminded of it.
The first is in Leviticus 19:18- Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.
Ok.... well.... I am off to a bad start. Do not seek revenge the 1st sentence and is my 1st reaction most of the time.
I think it is part of the human/sin nature that we were born with.
Revenge make us feel like we are doing something or that we actually have some kind of control.
But where does that come from?
It comes from the place where satan said "Surely you will not die" to Eve.
Control satan wanted it and so do we.
Relinquishing control is what we need to do.
Now the 2nd part of the grudge. I do it too!
I love the analogy (I think it is Max Lacado?), where he talks about carrying rocks as your grudges and burdens. And you are traveling up a hill and all these rocks are weighing you down. And you go slower and slower never really getting to your goal.
But the crazy part of this is we tend to help other people carry their rocks too. So we are totally bogged down with our stuff and others peoples stuff too. WOW!
Jesus had a few rocks.... Judas being one. What did he do about it? He was praying when he showed up to turn him over to the authorities.
What an example for me. I need to be hitting my knees when I know these rocks are what is weighing me down.
The last sentence gives me the most comfort in dealing with these grudges and revenge.
So I need to quit struggling and striving with them and give them to HIM!
In that last sentence He told me!
I picked the title because it is one of the things the Bible calls us to do,and it is an area of struggle for me.
And it is referenced several times in the Bible. This will be a series of blogs on these verses as each verse has something different to learn from.
HINT*** We must need to be reminded of it.
The first is in Leviticus 19:18- Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.
Ok.... well.... I am off to a bad start. Do not seek revenge the 1st sentence and is my 1st reaction most of the time.
I think it is part of the human/sin nature that we were born with.
Revenge make us feel like we are doing something or that we actually have some kind of control.
But where does that come from?
It comes from the place where satan said "Surely you will not die" to Eve.
Control satan wanted it and so do we.
Relinquishing control is what we need to do.
Now the 2nd part of the grudge. I do it too!
I love the analogy (I think it is Max Lacado?), where he talks about carrying rocks as your grudges and burdens. And you are traveling up a hill and all these rocks are weighing you down. And you go slower and slower never really getting to your goal.
But the crazy part of this is we tend to help other people carry their rocks too. So we are totally bogged down with our stuff and others peoples stuff too. WOW!
Jesus had a few rocks.... Judas being one. What did he do about it? He was praying when he showed up to turn him over to the authorities.
What an example for me. I need to be hitting my knees when I know these rocks are what is weighing me down.
The last sentence gives me the most comfort in dealing with these grudges and revenge.
So I need to quit struggling and striving with them and give them to HIM!
In that last sentence He told me!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
tripping over my own expectations
I love envisioning how things are going to be. But I am the worst of the worst when it comes to things not going as I envisioned them.
Why am I so set in my ways? Where is the GRACE I am so freely given? Why can't I give that too?
As of today I have only 1 answer to this and it is CONTROL.
I always joke I am large and in charge.
But I am being shown that, it is that humor, that is leading to my demise.
Recently,I have been very disappointed in some people in my life. It is not that these people have done anything inherently bad, it is that they are not living up to expectations I had for them.
My EXPECTATIONS of people is what I am tripping over.
Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. Romans 14:13
I am creating my own stumbling block. How can I be my own worst enemy??
Wow! I need to be prayerful about this in the days, weeks, and months to come.
I never promised each bog will end up all pretty and tied with a bow.
This one is still a mess.......
And so am I .
But God is dealing with my mess right now.
Why am I so set in my ways? Where is the GRACE I am so freely given? Why can't I give that too?
As of today I have only 1 answer to this and it is CONTROL.
I always joke I am large and in charge.
But I am being shown that, it is that humor, that is leading to my demise.
Recently,I have been very disappointed in some people in my life. It is not that these people have done anything inherently bad, it is that they are not living up to expectations I had for them.
My EXPECTATIONS of people is what I am tripping over.
Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. Romans 14:13
I am creating my own stumbling block. How can I be my own worst enemy??
Wow! I need to be prayerful about this in the days, weeks, and months to come.
I never promised each bog will end up all pretty and tied with a bow.
This one is still a mess.......
And so am I .
But God is dealing with my mess right now.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Safe in HIS quiver!
In my study today I was reading Isaiah 49. It was a long passage on being a servant of the Lord. I tried to read the whole thing but got distracted (which happens easily) with the reference to an arrow.
Isaiah 49:2b-3
he made me into a polished arrow
and concealed me in his quiver.
3 He said to me, “You are my servant,
Israel, in whom I will display my splendor.”
In doing research on Wikipedia I read about arrows. Wow!! I learned so much....
The shafts of arrows are made of lots of different materials and what they are made of effects how far the arrow will go.
The blunts or points of the arrows are different depending on what it is used for,the job of the arrow.
The fletchings are the feathers or foil on the ends which help the arrow fly in a specific direction.
The knocks are slits or an area of the end shaft where the string of the bow fit.
I got stuck here for a reason.
He made me.... He designed me for a specific purpose.
The material he has crafted me from is determing the way I am going in life. He uses me in different was putting different blunts on me doing different jobs he has for me to do.
God is always there being my fletching. Through His Word, Spirit and His Son he is continually guiding me.
The string of the His bow will always fit into my knocks, so he can use me.
But the COOL thing is the quiver! The quiver is a safe place. It is always attached to a body.
Attached to God is where I want to be. Safe in his quiver.
Isaiah 49:2b-3
he made me into a polished arrow
and concealed me in his quiver.
3 He said to me, “You are my servant,
Israel, in whom I will display my splendor.”
In doing research on Wikipedia I read about arrows. Wow!! I learned so much....
The shafts of arrows are made of lots of different materials and what they are made of effects how far the arrow will go.
The blunts or points of the arrows are different depending on what it is used for,the job of the arrow.
The fletchings are the feathers or foil on the ends which help the arrow fly in a specific direction.
The knocks are slits or an area of the end shaft where the string of the bow fit.
I got stuck here for a reason.
He made me.... He designed me for a specific purpose.
The material he has crafted me from is determing the way I am going in life. He uses me in different was putting different blunts on me doing different jobs he has for me to do.
God is always there being my fletching. Through His Word, Spirit and His Son he is continually guiding me.
The string of the His bow will always fit into my knocks, so he can use me.
But the COOL thing is the quiver! The quiver is a safe place. It is always attached to a body.
Attached to God is where I want to be. Safe in his quiver.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Sit down!
God showed up at the dinner table.
I have always been a stickler on sitting down and eating meals as a family. We have done this for years all most every night. And as my children are growing up it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep this up.
And as I was reading and looking up some of the ways Jesus ate with people it was casual sitting on rocks eating fish or sitting a Zacchaeus or Lazarus house. Till He shared the last supper with his disciples. Then it was a HOLY MEAL.
Digging into why the meal was so important I found that it was one of the 1st places of preparation in the temple. In Hebrews 9:1-2 God wanted there to be a place, A HOLY PLACE, in preparation for something on the other side of the curtain. The MOST HOLY PLACE.(see below)
Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary. 2 A tabernacle was set up. In its first room were the lampstand and the table with its consecrated bread; this was called the Holy Place. 3 Behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place
Oh WOW! That is exactly what I have been experiencing. It is a joyous and bonding time for me and my family. And OH WOW!!! He is preparing me for the Great banquet table in HIS presence.
Luke 14:15-16 The Parable of the Great Banquet
15 When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”
16 Jesus replied: “A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests.
HE IS preparing a wonderful banquet for us! How Joyous it will be!!
Till then I think I will keep practicing here on earth. :)
I have always been a stickler on sitting down and eating meals as a family. We have done this for years all most every night. And as my children are growing up it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep this up.
And as I was reading and looking up some of the ways Jesus ate with people it was casual sitting on rocks eating fish or sitting a Zacchaeus or Lazarus house. Till He shared the last supper with his disciples. Then it was a HOLY MEAL.
Digging into why the meal was so important I found that it was one of the 1st places of preparation in the temple. In Hebrews 9:1-2 God wanted there to be a place, A HOLY PLACE, in preparation for something on the other side of the curtain. The MOST HOLY PLACE.(see below)
Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary. 2 A tabernacle was set up. In its first room were the lampstand and the table with its consecrated bread; this was called the Holy Place. 3 Behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place
Oh WOW! That is exactly what I have been experiencing. It is a joyous and bonding time for me and my family. And OH WOW!!! He is preparing me for the Great banquet table in HIS presence.
Luke 14:15-16 The Parable of the Great Banquet
15 When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”
16 Jesus replied: “A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests.
HE IS preparing a wonderful banquet for us! How Joyous it will be!!
Till then I think I will keep practicing here on earth. :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Unexpected grief
This blog came to a grinding halt with the death of innocent children last week at Sandy Hook Elementary. Then came news of unexpected grief in our own lives.
My daughters best friends mother passed away suddenly on Sunday morning. This mother had a very troubled past and in the end that is what took her life.She was 46.
This was a very tragic death that has shook me not because of how it happened but that God has spoken so LOUDLY to me through it. I have been so convicted I am moved to tears daily. God is showing me the truth in loving people WHERE THEY ARE is what He did and we are to do that too. I have nothing on and am no better than the woman at the well.
As my husband and I made the decision long ago that our daughter could be friends with this girl with boundaries, like no sleep overs at her house, no hanging out inside the home, we welcomed this darling girl into our home with open arms. My AWESOME daughter invited her to our Wednesday confirmation classes and it has changed this girls life.
In doing this, it has open up our heart to a new grief. It has been a heart wrenching to explain to a 13 year old what an autopsy is or to try to keep her occupied as they remove the body from the house. These are thing I wish on no one.
As I am trying to comfort this precious girl I see that God is comforting me in his reassurance that I am becoming more loving like him.
I heard God audibly speak to me this week. It was the most loving and scary thing I have ever had happen to me. He told me, Thank You for loving this child as I do.
Short and sweet...... His words are still ringing in my ears.
My daughters best friends mother passed away suddenly on Sunday morning. This mother had a very troubled past and in the end that is what took her life.She was 46.
This was a very tragic death that has shook me not because of how it happened but that God has spoken so LOUDLY to me through it. I have been so convicted I am moved to tears daily. God is showing me the truth in loving people WHERE THEY ARE is what He did and we are to do that too. I have nothing on and am no better than the woman at the well.
As my husband and I made the decision long ago that our daughter could be friends with this girl with boundaries, like no sleep overs at her house, no hanging out inside the home, we welcomed this darling girl into our home with open arms. My AWESOME daughter invited her to our Wednesday confirmation classes and it has changed this girls life.
In doing this, it has open up our heart to a new grief. It has been a heart wrenching to explain to a 13 year old what an autopsy is or to try to keep her occupied as they remove the body from the house. These are thing I wish on no one.
As I am trying to comfort this precious girl I see that God is comforting me in his reassurance that I am becoming more loving like him.
I heard God audibly speak to me this week. It was the most loving and scary thing I have ever had happen to me. He told me, Thank You for loving this child as I do.
Short and sweet...... His words are still ringing in my ears.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The Line Between the Two
Looking at the cradle that Jesus was birthed in... a borrowed manger.
Looking at the grave He was buried in.... a borrowed tomb.
As both those events are an important part of His story. The most important facts come from what happened in between.
Back in 2005 we had a rough year with three deaths in succession from Aug to Dec. It rocked us to our core and they will have life long effects on each of my family members. 2 of the deaths were grandparents who were older and sick. But my sister in laws death was a shocker, 35 years old, single, teacher. So much like our Lord's story.
But all three of their deaths made me look at what their lives looked like between birth date and death date. That is what really matters and what is so vitally important. Live to glorify God and point others to Him.
Some people have a long dash between their dates and others are much shorter.
This song by Mark Harris held us up at that time and the words speak to HOW WE ARE TO LIVE!
Looking at the grave He was buried in.... a borrowed tomb.
As both those events are an important part of His story. The most important facts come from what happened in between.
Back in 2005 we had a rough year with three deaths in succession from Aug to Dec. It rocked us to our core and they will have life long effects on each of my family members. 2 of the deaths were grandparents who were older and sick. But my sister in laws death was a shocker, 35 years old, single, teacher. So much like our Lord's story.
But all three of their deaths made me look at what their lives looked like between birth date and death date. That is what really matters and what is so vitally important. Live to glorify God and point others to Him.
Some people have a long dash between their dates and others are much shorter.
This song by Mark Harris held us up at that time and the words speak to HOW WE ARE TO LIVE!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Searching for the perfect gift
I am a planner.. I love the details of life. I love everything to planned out just so.
I have been searching for a certain Christmas gift for someone for 1 solid month now. It has to be the exactly what they asked for. There is no freedom in in.
Every time I go to a specific store and think this will be it.... I will find it here..... It is not there. I have been to every store that has this item to no avail. I have even looked on line and had NO LUCK!!
I have been close so many times. I even have bought one that is almost right. But in my gut I can not give it to this person because I know it is not what they want....
I am driving my self mad.
How many times do I get an idea in my head and say it has to be THIS WAY. But God shows up and says NO THIS WAY IS BETTER. Or other times I am left in a place of wandering.
I think I know.... but God knows BETTER.
Abraham was told by God to GO! No further instructions.
Moses wandered for years!!!
Peter was told to GET OUT of the boat. With no further instructions either.
What am I missing....
In these situations God does not always reveal the answer but He does reveal FAITH!
Peter got wet, Abraham's family grew, and Moses saw the promised land.All because of their FAITH.
I may not find my PERFECT gift for this person this Christmas.
But seeing God working and His ways are making me have more FAITH!
I am getting rid of the T in THIS WAY,
and gonna look at it HIS WAY!!!
I have been searching for a certain Christmas gift for someone for 1 solid month now. It has to be the exactly what they asked for. There is no freedom in in.
Every time I go to a specific store and think this will be it.... I will find it here..... It is not there. I have been to every store that has this item to no avail. I have even looked on line and had NO LUCK!!
I have been close so many times. I even have bought one that is almost right. But in my gut I can not give it to this person because I know it is not what they want....
I am driving my self mad.
How many times do I get an idea in my head and say it has to be THIS WAY. But God shows up and says NO THIS WAY IS BETTER. Or other times I am left in a place of wandering.
I think I know.... but God knows BETTER.
Abraham was told by God to GO! No further instructions.
Moses wandered for years!!!
Peter was told to GET OUT of the boat. With no further instructions either.
What am I missing....
In these situations God does not always reveal the answer but He does reveal FAITH!
Peter got wet, Abraham's family grew, and Moses saw the promised land.All because of their FAITH.
I may not find my PERFECT gift for this person this Christmas.
But seeing God working and His ways are making me have more FAITH!
I am getting rid of the T in THIS WAY,
and gonna look at it HIS WAY!!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
If you say so....
I am a collector of nativities. I love them. I have close to 100 and love arranging them and putting them out each holiday season.
The discussion comes up every year... Do we put all the baby Jesus away till Christmas day? Or do we set them out now and ponder why he came here?
(I think we have legalism issues! HA!)
In thinking about it I read the accounts of His birth in all of the gospels today.
4 totally different accounts. Two focus on God perspective, (Mark & John) one focuses on Josephs perspective ( Matthew), & Mary perspective is in Luke.
Why the difference?
Well each one was inspired by God to be written but written by different authors.
Funny thing is I can see it from all points of view.
God's view is that He was there in the beginning and He came to earth for the sole purpose to die to redeem us.
From Josephs view, he was disgraced and want to sort this out quietly and not make a scene. But even in Joseph saying I want to take care of this"my way" when the angel shows up he is obedient and follows God's lead.
Mary's perspective is the one that gets me. It says she was greatly troubled.
Ya think???
I think that is how I would react. She is told she will give birth and then she starts in with the questions to the angel. How can this be???
I would react with more than a few questions I am sure.
She wanted an explanation.
And God, through the angel, gave it to her.
And that was it... Once explained She said " I am the Lord servant. May it be as you said"
She basically said OK.... IF YOU SAY SO.....
She KNEW she was CALLED!!
I know this too. I am also called to serve Him with no lingering questions, no what if this happens, or can I do it this way???
The discussion comes up every year... Do we put all the baby Jesus away till Christmas day? Or do we set them out now and ponder why he came here?
(I think we have legalism issues! HA!)
In thinking about it I read the accounts of His birth in all of the gospels today.
4 totally different accounts. Two focus on God perspective, (Mark & John) one focuses on Josephs perspective ( Matthew), & Mary perspective is in Luke.
Why the difference?
Well each one was inspired by God to be written but written by different authors.
Funny thing is I can see it from all points of view.
God's view is that He was there in the beginning and He came to earth for the sole purpose to die to redeem us.
From Josephs view, he was disgraced and want to sort this out quietly and not make a scene. But even in Joseph saying I want to take care of this"my way" when the angel shows up he is obedient and follows God's lead.
Mary's perspective is the one that gets me. It says she was greatly troubled.
Ya think???
I think that is how I would react. She is told she will give birth and then she starts in with the questions to the angel. How can this be???
I would react with more than a few questions I am sure.
She wanted an explanation.
And God, through the angel, gave it to her.
And that was it... Once explained She said " I am the Lord servant. May it be as you said"
She basically said OK.... IF YOU SAY SO.....
She KNEW she was CALLED!!
I know this too. I am also called to serve Him with no lingering questions, no what if this happens, or can I do it this way???
Monday, December 10, 2012
Keep it HOLY!!!!
This topic came up in my small group tonight.
Lots of local businesses are closed. Fareway, Hobby Lobby, and
Chick fil a.
What does it mean to us? How do you use your day of rest?
I am guilty of doing "things" on Sundays. Cooking and laundry are really the only laborious things I do on Sunday. Am I being to legalistic?
How picky is God?
Does he not want my family to be cared for?
Then it was like the spirit brought to my mind that these business I mentioned earlier are INTENTIONAL with their "day of rest".
Am I?
Do I intentionally prep my meals ahead. YES!
I only cook 1 meal on Sunday. (usually noon) and then try to rest and refresh myself and my family the rest of the day.
Then for the evening meal we call it "fend for yourself". Popcorn, ice cream or whatever you make for your own dinner.
What the spirit reveled to me is that in doing this I am prepping my son to not expect his future wife to wait on him on a Sunday evening. And my daughters are being taught that it is okay to slow down and take time to not only prepare one meal but that it is more important to prepare your heart.
I may not be doing nothing.......
But the spirit showed me I AM DOING SOMETHING.
This topic came up in my small group tonight.
Lots of local businesses are closed. Fareway, Hobby Lobby, and
Chick fil a.
What does it mean to us? How do you use your day of rest?
I am guilty of doing "things" on Sundays. Cooking and laundry are really the only laborious things I do on Sunday. Am I being to legalistic?
How picky is God?
Does he not want my family to be cared for?
Then it was like the spirit brought to my mind that these business I mentioned earlier are INTENTIONAL with their "day of rest".
Am I?
Do I intentionally prep my meals ahead. YES!
I only cook 1 meal on Sunday. (usually noon) and then try to rest and refresh myself and my family the rest of the day.
Then for the evening meal we call it "fend for yourself". Popcorn, ice cream or whatever you make for your own dinner.
What the spirit reveled to me is that in doing this I am prepping my son to not expect his future wife to wait on him on a Sunday evening. And my daughters are being taught that it is okay to slow down and take time to not only prepare one meal but that it is more important to prepare your heart.
I may not be doing nothing.......
But the spirit showed me I AM DOING SOMETHING.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Taking the time...
Some things take time.
You usually do not walk up to someone and talk to them and they are instantly your best friend.
There are different levels of intimacy. Finding that with each person in your life is sometimes trial and error.
There are things I will tell an acquaintance like..... my washer is broke.....
To telling your sister she hurt your feelings when she made a comment about your child.
As your level of trust with a person grows so does your intimacy with them.
I have come to appreciate the difference of intimacy I have with different individuals.
Sometimes I get caught in a pickle (as my Grandma would say) because I expect my level of intimacy to be the same with all people.
I share everything with my husband. I share an intimacy (obviously) with him that I share with no one else. And for marriage to be strong it needs to be continual and on going. Not the same I share with other family or friends.
When a level of intimacy is broken or challenged by friends or family it can rock my world. I am seeing though that it can be rebuilt and grow again.
God desires that same intimacy with me.
How often am I too busy? To distracted?
I too break intimacy with him because it is not convenient or my to list is too long.
There is a restoration that takes place when I run back to him and ask for him to restore me.
In Luke 3:19 it says a time of refreshment comes from the Lord when we repent.
I am so THANKFUL for that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that is there every time I turn to him.
You usually do not walk up to someone and talk to them and they are instantly your best friend.
There are different levels of intimacy. Finding that with each person in your life is sometimes trial and error.
There are things I will tell an acquaintance like..... my washer is broke.....
To telling your sister she hurt your feelings when she made a comment about your child.
As your level of trust with a person grows so does your intimacy with them.
I have come to appreciate the difference of intimacy I have with different individuals.
Sometimes I get caught in a pickle (as my Grandma would say) because I expect my level of intimacy to be the same with all people.
I share everything with my husband. I share an intimacy (obviously) with him that I share with no one else. And for marriage to be strong it needs to be continual and on going. Not the same I share with other family or friends.
When a level of intimacy is broken or challenged by friends or family it can rock my world. I am seeing though that it can be rebuilt and grow again.
God desires that same intimacy with me.
How often am I too busy? To distracted?
I too break intimacy with him because it is not convenient or my to list is too long.
There is a restoration that takes place when I run back to him and ask for him to restore me.
In Luke 3:19 it says a time of refreshment comes from the Lord when we repent.
I am so THANKFUL for that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that is there every time I turn to him.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Our family will be growing....
God is up to something. Adding a new person to our lives and changing us. I thought I was ready for this, going from 1 to 3 children in 17 years was a breeze. What could come along and shake me to my core?
A boyfriend....
Don't get me wrong. We love him so far! But with adding someone in to our mix has challenged us. In so many ways. Ways I never even imagined.
We have lost sleep. Like having a newborn, teens like to stay up late, watch movies and talk and do a whole lot of nothing.
Feedings on demand- I have made 20 quesadillas, malts at midnight, and double batches of cookies not even get one taste.
Energy and movement like toddlers. Always going, going, going, like energizer bunnies.
It has been amazing what God has been showing me.
How has this CHALLENGED me?
How is it CHANGING me?
I am seeing I am set in my ways. Things can be done in another way and just because it is not MY way it is not wrong.
I am seeing that I do not have all the answers, but God does and
I am seeing all the virtues we have instilled in our daughter come to life in this relationship, and with God's help, we have not done too bad.
I am seeing my daughter change from a girl who love Jesus, to a young woman who seeks to follow God.
I am seeing that even though this means my daughter might leave our home someday with this young man, (or another God provides) God will be the balm for my aching heart.
I see my family is growing. I have another person to love. I never thought I could love an "outsider" as one of my own children. But God is showing me I can.
God is showing me what He sees.When a non believer comes into His family. He sees US ALL as adopted and heirs to his throne.
He has room for US ALL.
As for the future for my daughters relationship, it is in God's hands.
But what I do see are His hands, gently cutting and pruning MY branches during all this....
A boyfriend....
Don't get me wrong. We love him so far! But with adding someone in to our mix has challenged us. In so many ways. Ways I never even imagined.
We have lost sleep. Like having a newborn, teens like to stay up late, watch movies and talk and do a whole lot of nothing.
Feedings on demand- I have made 20 quesadillas, malts at midnight, and double batches of cookies not even get one taste.
Energy and movement like toddlers. Always going, going, going, like energizer bunnies.
It has been amazing what God has been showing me.
How has this CHALLENGED me?
How is it CHANGING me?
I am seeing I am set in my ways. Things can be done in another way and just because it is not MY way it is not wrong.
I am seeing that I do not have all the answers, but God does and
I am seeing all the virtues we have instilled in our daughter come to life in this relationship, and with God's help, we have not done too bad.
I am seeing my daughter change from a girl who love Jesus, to a young woman who seeks to follow God.
I am seeing that even though this means my daughter might leave our home someday with this young man, (or another God provides) God will be the balm for my aching heart.
I see my family is growing. I have another person to love. I never thought I could love an "outsider" as one of my own children. But God is showing me I can.
God is showing me what He sees.When a non believer comes into His family. He sees US ALL as adopted and heirs to his throne.
He has room for US ALL.
As for the future for my daughters relationship, it is in God's hands.
But what I do see are His hands, gently cutting and pruning MY branches during all this....
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Today has been one of those days....
Where there is no house for me to run off and clean, no one to run anywhere, not one appointment till 5pm.
So Yes I admit I am still in my pj's.
I have done a lot! Bible study, watched Wuthering Heights, and made a meatloaf.
And I do not have guilt about it yet!
Funny thing is while I was making my meatloaf listening to Third Day Christmas offerings ,Born in Bethlehem,
The lyrics that struck me was"Baby Jesus, lying in a manger. Crying for the world.
The second that that baby cried, it was for ALL OF US. His ultimate gift was to be born and then die.
Another time in Matthew 23:37 Jesus Cries for Jerusalem, which is US,
37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Your people have killed the prophets and have stoned the messengers who were sent to you. I have often wanted to gather your people, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. But you wouldn’t let me.
He LONGS for us to come CLOSE to the manger.
He LONGS that we gather CLOSE like chicks.
Take the time to do that TODAY!
Where there is no house for me to run off and clean, no one to run anywhere, not one appointment till 5pm.
So Yes I admit I am still in my pj's.
I have done a lot! Bible study, watched Wuthering Heights, and made a meatloaf.
And I do not have guilt about it yet!
Funny thing is while I was making my meatloaf listening to Third Day Christmas offerings ,Born in Bethlehem,
The lyrics that struck me was"Baby Jesus, lying in a manger. Crying for the world.
The second that that baby cried, it was for ALL OF US. His ultimate gift was to be born and then die.
Another time in Matthew 23:37 Jesus Cries for Jerusalem, which is US,
37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Your people have killed the prophets and have stoned the messengers who were sent to you. I have often wanted to gather your people, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. But you wouldn’t let me.
He LONGS for us to come CLOSE to the manger.
He LONGS that we gather CLOSE like chicks.
Take the time to do that TODAY!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Seeing the forest from a tree
Reading Luke 19 this morning and the account of Zacchaeus is saying somethings to me.
First this dude was loaded, short, but loaded. Which shows me you can't have it all.
But the crazy thing is he was still searching for something. He had a job as a tax collector, which I am sure he profited from greatly. But he also had something else pulling him along......a curiosity about Jesus.
So being short he climbed into a tree. Now that took some effort and planning, not your everyday biblical workout I am sure.
But I ask WHY??? Just to see Jesus?
I see God preparing a heart to be CHANGED.
Not sure how long he was up in the tree but it was long enough that when Jesus got close, stopped and told him to come down, HE OBEYED! I am sure this was not on Zacchaeus agenda for the day.
Not only that Jesus said," I am coming over to your house" so get ready. I hear that as a preparatory calling. Zacchaeus has some heart changes that need to happen.
His human nature could have said no thanks, or come next week. But immediately, as other people were hopping on the gossip train, Zacchaeus repented of all he had done in over charging people. He was going to settle accounts with man and in doing so he SETTLED HIS ACCOUNT WITH GOD.
All of this got me thinking....
Am I curious?
Do I long and look for ways to see Jesus?
Sometimes I am so worried about my agenda and making sure my kids learn biblical lessons I overlook my need to get out of the tree and obey, or even to repent and change.
Jesus did not barge his way in to Zacchaeus life, wag his finger at him, and tell him what to change. He made himself available.
He is there waiting for us to climb down and bow down to our own will.
I want to be changed like Zacchaeus.
First this dude was loaded, short, but loaded. Which shows me you can't have it all.
But the crazy thing is he was still searching for something. He had a job as a tax collector, which I am sure he profited from greatly. But he also had something else pulling him along......a curiosity about Jesus.
So being short he climbed into a tree. Now that took some effort and planning, not your everyday biblical workout I am sure.
But I ask WHY??? Just to see Jesus?
I see God preparing a heart to be CHANGED.
Not sure how long he was up in the tree but it was long enough that when Jesus got close, stopped and told him to come down, HE OBEYED! I am sure this was not on Zacchaeus agenda for the day.
Not only that Jesus said," I am coming over to your house" so get ready. I hear that as a preparatory calling. Zacchaeus has some heart changes that need to happen.
His human nature could have said no thanks, or come next week. But immediately, as other people were hopping on the gossip train, Zacchaeus repented of all he had done in over charging people. He was going to settle accounts with man and in doing so he SETTLED HIS ACCOUNT WITH GOD.
All of this got me thinking....
Am I curious?
Do I long and look for ways to see Jesus?
Sometimes I am so worried about my agenda and making sure my kids learn biblical lessons I overlook my need to get out of the tree and obey, or even to repent and change.
Jesus did not barge his way in to Zacchaeus life, wag his finger at him, and tell him what to change. He made himself available.
He is there waiting for us to climb down and bow down to our own will.
I want to be changed like Zacchaeus.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
More than good... Godly
This should not have happened and I am still wrestling with God on this one.
A 42 year old husband and father of 4 gone in an instant......
This man was a hard worker.He had a full time job and also managed a family farm and cattle. His work ethic was so strong.
He took his family to church each week. Helped start prayer groups and was an elder and a deacon at his church.
He was an amazing husband and father in leading & loving his family.
He was a praying man. He prayed continually for people in his life and people on the college campus he worked on. If you had a maintenance issue at the dorms on the ISU campus and he was on call, know you were prayed for.
He was a honest and loyal son. Helping his parents on their farm. And he always there to lend a hand in whatever way possible in the small farming community.
All of these things are what society looks as as "GOOD".
But God looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7
His heart was pure and for the Lord. He gave his life to the Lord as a teen and never looked back. He lead his family and others with wreckless abandon to the CROSS because he knew that all the "GOOD" he did meant nothing unless they first surrender themselves at the cross.That is being GODLY!
In my study today I was reading Romans 3. Verse 22 stuck out to me....WE ARE ALL THE SAME..... Unless we have the Righteousness of Christ, WE ARE ALL THE SAME!
So I'll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
So I'll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours
Thank you Noel Shepley for living your life with arms high and heart abandoned for all to see.
See ya in Heaven my friend.
A 42 year old husband and father of 4 gone in an instant......
This man was a hard worker.He had a full time job and also managed a family farm and cattle. His work ethic was so strong.
He took his family to church each week. Helped start prayer groups and was an elder and a deacon at his church.
He was an amazing husband and father in leading & loving his family.
He was a praying man. He prayed continually for people in his life and people on the college campus he worked on. If you had a maintenance issue at the dorms on the ISU campus and he was on call, know you were prayed for.
He was a honest and loyal son. Helping his parents on their farm. And he always there to lend a hand in whatever way possible in the small farming community.
All of these things are what society looks as as "GOOD".
But God looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7
His heart was pure and for the Lord. He gave his life to the Lord as a teen and never looked back. He lead his family and others with wreckless abandon to the CROSS because he knew that all the "GOOD" he did meant nothing unless they first surrender themselves at the cross.That is being GODLY!
In my study today I was reading Romans 3. Verse 22 stuck out to me....WE ARE ALL THE SAME..... Unless we have the Righteousness of Christ, WE ARE ALL THE SAME!
So I'll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
So I'll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours
Thank you Noel Shepley for living your life with arms high and heart abandoned for all to see.
See ya in Heaven my friend.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Christmas Letter
Christmas is here! Thanking God for His many BLESSINGS this year. He has given us good and bad this year, but all have helped mold us into who He wants us to become to GLORIFY HIM!
Hannah is a spirited & joy filled child who always keeps us laughing. Her outlook on life is so positive it causes me to pause and reassess my attitude sometimes. She loves music and playing the violin. She paints her fingernails near everyday, I tell her she might work at OPI someday. She loves I Dream of Jeannie and I Love Lucy DVDs. Drawing and art is a secret passion of hers. What a JOY our Hannah B Jones!
Rachel is a dedicated & faithful woman of God. She is so witty and intelligent I am often taken back. She has had the most change this year with a dating "relationship" which God is using to challenge and change her. Her year is going to be a whirlwind as she is going to Germany in March and graduating in May. There will be a lot of "lasts" and preparations for her future. She works at Lutheran Church of Hope on the admin team. She is a very talented oboe player and tried out for all state and SCIBA. She has passion for cake decorating, sewing, cooking & baking! You can find her watching any CSI, Criminal Minds, & Body of Proof shows. I tell her she should be a medical examiner. A true BLESSING our Rachel Bren!
I am the same girl you have always known, doing for others and volunteering as much as I can. I am still homeschooling the kids, but I have taken on cleaning more houses this year as I have had more free time. (Just typing that made me laugh!) I am loving my time with my kids as they are growing up and helping mentor them in the ways of the Lord. I have just discovered the art/freedom of blogging. If you catch me watching tv it's usually a Downton Abbey episode.
Swimming. When people ask what we did this summer we said SWIMMING. We swam so much that we retired the pool this fall. Check out to see how it all came down. (Nice job, Dan!)
Todd is an AMAZINGLY hard worker who has provided for our family for years by working at EMC Insurance. His free time is very limited but is very involved in Boy Scouts with Micah and his men's bible study and accountability groups. He loves to watch ANY sport on tv, Dr. Who with the kids, and Red Green just to annoy me! He is the LOVE of my life, my STABLE Todd.
Micah is a curious and fun loving kid! He is always building, testing, & constructing something. If it is broke he will tear it apart to try and fix it. If it is not broke he usually tears it apart to see how it works.... then it is broke. He loves baseball and wrestling and is thinking he might like to try football next year. He finished piano and has started playing the bass which is 2 times his size, but I am sure he will catch up soon. He enjoys scouts and says someday he wants to get his EAGLE. You can catch Micah on the Wii or watching Dr. Who, Top Gear & How It's Made. LOVE our inquisitive Micah James!
Adventures for us were limited this year, but we did have a few. In June, the girls went on Mission Navajo with the church & the boys went to a scout camp in Wisconsin. I hated that we went 2 different places the same week, but that is how it all fell out. Each trip was a blessing and a challenge to our faith. In July, we did the usual Sonshine concert week with our family from Minnesota. That week is always a BLESSING to us!
Savor this time with the Christ child in the manger. Share HIM with your family and spread HIS love where ever you go this Christmas.
Hannah is a spirited & joy filled child who always keeps us laughing. Her outlook on life is so positive it causes me to pause and reassess my attitude sometimes. She loves music and playing the violin. She paints her fingernails near everyday, I tell her she might work at OPI someday. She loves I Dream of Jeannie and I Love Lucy DVDs. Drawing and art is a secret passion of hers. What a JOY our Hannah B Jones!
Rachel is a dedicated & faithful woman of God. She is so witty and intelligent I am often taken back. She has had the most change this year with a dating "relationship" which God is using to challenge and change her. Her year is going to be a whirlwind as she is going to Germany in March and graduating in May. There will be a lot of "lasts" and preparations for her future. She works at Lutheran Church of Hope on the admin team. She is a very talented oboe player and tried out for all state and SCIBA. She has passion for cake decorating, sewing, cooking & baking! You can find her watching any CSI, Criminal Minds, & Body of Proof shows. I tell her she should be a medical examiner. A true BLESSING our Rachel Bren!
I am the same girl you have always known, doing for others and volunteering as much as I can. I am still homeschooling the kids, but I have taken on cleaning more houses this year as I have had more free time. (Just typing that made me laugh!) I am loving my time with my kids as they are growing up and helping mentor them in the ways of the Lord. I have just discovered the art/freedom of blogging. If you catch me watching tv it's usually a Downton Abbey episode.
Swimming. When people ask what we did this summer we said SWIMMING. We swam so much that we retired the pool this fall. Check out to see how it all came down. (Nice job, Dan!)
Todd is an AMAZINGLY hard worker who has provided for our family for years by working at EMC Insurance. His free time is very limited but is very involved in Boy Scouts with Micah and his men's bible study and accountability groups. He loves to watch ANY sport on tv, Dr. Who with the kids, and Red Green just to annoy me! He is the LOVE of my life, my STABLE Todd.
Micah is a curious and fun loving kid! He is always building, testing, & constructing something. If it is broke he will tear it apart to try and fix it. If it is not broke he usually tears it apart to see how it works.... then it is broke. He loves baseball and wrestling and is thinking he might like to try football next year. He finished piano and has started playing the bass which is 2 times his size, but I am sure he will catch up soon. He enjoys scouts and says someday he wants to get his EAGLE. You can catch Micah on the Wii or watching Dr. Who, Top Gear & How It's Made. LOVE our inquisitive Micah James!
Adventures for us were limited this year, but we did have a few. In June, the girls went on Mission Navajo with the church & the boys went to a scout camp in Wisconsin. I hated that we went 2 different places the same week, but that is how it all fell out. Each trip was a blessing and a challenge to our faith. In July, we did the usual Sonshine concert week with our family from Minnesota. That week is always a BLESSING to us!
Savor this time with the Christ child in the manger. Share HIM with your family and spread HIS love where ever you go this Christmas.
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