
The reason I do what I do!

Monday, November 19, 2012

The times are CHANGING

Change... Who likes change. I am not talking money, but things being different than "the norm".

Thinking back on it, I have had quite a bit of change since I got married. Part of that is due to the fact I married someone in the military so the first 5 years of our marriage was constant change. 

But when we moved back to Iowa the change kept coming. No home, new jobs, schooling, years of infertility, home buying, children being born, staying at home and going to one income, private schooling, then homeschooling, death of family members, and on & on.

Some was easy and a no brainer, but some of the other stuff was hard. 

In thinking about this I read in my quiet time that God told Joseph and Mary to leave and flee, move to Egypt with a infant/toddler.... Now I am pretty sure, no accounts in the gospel told Mary that because she was giving birth to the MESSIAH that her life would be easy and free of change. So if Mary did not receive an easy road why should I??

I am uncomfortable when plans change for family holiday get togethers, I am sad when my Dad is not at the head of the table anymore....These changes can drag you down.

Just as God provided for Mary & Joseph a place of refuge in Egypt, a safe place to return to once Herod died. HE PROVIDES FOR ME!!  

The NEW faces around the dinner table, the abundance of LOVE & FOOD around that table. All those provisions need to be louder than my sadness or me being uncomfortable.

I find it rather ironic that our presidents motto was hope and change...... I see hope and change but not in a man or in worldly things but in JESUS CHRIST, who gives me real HOPE in the midst of all my CHANGE.

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