
The reason I do what I do!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I am by trade (haha!) a stay at home/homeschool mom and have been now for over 17 years..  As the years have past, I decided to keep me from hurting my children and to make sure I can still carry on an adult conversation, I took on a very part time job at a local University. As this was only 1-2 days a month it was good for all.

I have the most WONDERFUL in-laws who came and played with my kids while I was gone on those afternoons. My mother in law, former teacher, would always show up with a game in hand. Which was great for teaching the children different aspects of life. Taking turns, counting money, and even what a house note was. THANKS LIFE!

One aspect she taught them came back to me very loudly this week, and you know what they say sharing is caring.

The children would get so excited it was there turn and they would just start counting and moving their token around whatever game they are playing. She would lovingly recount with them and get everyone to the right spot. After doing this several times, she has the patience of a saint, she decided to implement a new saying to help the kids start moving the token at the right time. She would say SITTING.... 1..2...3 ect.

It is the word SITTING that is screaming in my head!!! God speaks so loudly. Especially when he wants to make sure I am listening.

I need to practice the SITTING. Resting and thinking before doing. In Luke 10 Mary was caught SITTING. It ticked Martha off, bad. But Jesus said she had chosen what was better

I am such a Martha. WOW!!! Sitting is okay. This is a radical! Not only that but Luke is telling the story... a doctor? coincidence?? Then you have the GREAT PHYSICIAN saying it is ok.

So if you need anything today and find me sitting, my MASTER says it is ok for me to rest in HIM.

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