I am so Thankful to Jill Savage for having the honesty and guts to write this book. No-More-Perfect-Moms
I am challenged by her idea of eliminating the Perfection Infection in my life.
But to do that I must yield to God.
The idea of YIELD, that red upside down triangle sign, is not a fun one.
I want to go first, take my turn, and do what I want.
But it is in my yielding that I learn patience, timing, and virtues that only He can show me.
I am most Thankful that God has used this book to make me yield.
Slow down see where I am wrong. (and right!)
And how I can use it to not only effect my husband, my children, and all who enter my house, but to further His kingdom.
Through a MOM like ME!

The reason I do what I do!
Monday, January 28, 2013
~CH 9~ Homemaking 101
This blog is going to be one of the easiest for me to write!
I love homemaking!!!
I am a homemaking nerd. I love cooking, painting, and all decorating.
My biggest issue is, I wish I had more $ to do it.
But through all my 24 years of marriage I have been blessed by God.
We did start out with a nasty old used love seat, we had hand me down bed from my parents house, and even old dishes from my Grandmother.
Having those things when I was first married, has made me THANKFUL for all God has given to me now. Not that I am buying new stuff everyday mind you, but when I do get the chance to buy a piece of furniture or set of dishes, it makes me cherish all that has been given so freely to me.
Freely is a term at the Prideaux house we use loosely.
I LOVE re purposing and refinishing stuff I get for free.
I go out in the spring, when our community has JUNK days and get furniture, picture frames, decor, and lots of other things. People are always amazed at what I find and what I do with it.
It has become such a obsession that I collect stuff and have a sale each year and make $100s of dollars on other peoples TRASH.
They say.... One mans trash is another mans treasure. I Love that!
God gave me a creative mind, storage space, and a great sense of how to use stuff. For that I am thankful.
The old saying "God don't make no junk" is true.
He has showed me what to to with all the junk in my (vans) trunk .
I challenge you to think how can I reuse or use this in a different way. I have old freezer baskets in each bathroom with all my towels in them. I have painted empty frames and decorated walls just like on pinterest at the cost of a can of $3 paint. I have swimming pool toys people were going to throw out at the end of a season that are perfectly good. My patio set was free, along with the old blue Christmas lights strung out there. It is a perfect way to spend a summer night!
God has given us more that we can ever imagine or dream of.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us Eph 3:20
I love homemaking!!!
I am a homemaking nerd. I love cooking, painting, and all decorating.
My biggest issue is, I wish I had more $ to do it.
But through all my 24 years of marriage I have been blessed by God.
We did start out with a nasty old used love seat, we had hand me down bed from my parents house, and even old dishes from my Grandmother.
Having those things when I was first married, has made me THANKFUL for all God has given to me now. Not that I am buying new stuff everyday mind you, but when I do get the chance to buy a piece of furniture or set of dishes, it makes me cherish all that has been given so freely to me.
Freely is a term at the Prideaux house we use loosely.
I LOVE re purposing and refinishing stuff I get for free.
I go out in the spring, when our community has JUNK days and get furniture, picture frames, decor, and lots of other things. People are always amazed at what I find and what I do with it.
It has become such a obsession that I collect stuff and have a sale each year and make $100s of dollars on other peoples TRASH.
They say.... One mans trash is another mans treasure. I Love that!
God gave me a creative mind, storage space, and a great sense of how to use stuff. For that I am thankful.
The old saying "God don't make no junk" is true.
He has showed me what to to with all the junk in my (vans) trunk .
I challenge you to think how can I reuse or use this in a different way. I have old freezer baskets in each bathroom with all my towels in them. I have painted empty frames and decorated walls just like on pinterest at the cost of a can of $3 paint. I have swimming pool toys people were going to throw out at the end of a season that are perfectly good. My patio set was free, along with the old blue Christmas lights strung out there. It is a perfect way to spend a summer night!
God has given us more that we can ever imagine or dream of.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us Eph 3:20
Sunday, January 27, 2013
~ch 7 & 8~ No more perfect days & homes
It all comes and goes in waves. Right now I have pictures everywhere and am starting to prep for my daughters graduation this spring. I am preparing early so come May when panic sets in I am ahead of the game.
Whether it be a remodeling, a new baby or a graduation, these events throw us out of our routine and can throw our house into a tail spin.
But I must keep my focus where it needs to be, securely in Jesus.
There are days where I think I can not keep one more plate spinning without losing them all.
Then there are other days.... I have to admit I am bored and itching for something to do.
BALANCE is the key.
To me it goes back to the old song I learned in church as a little girl....
The foolish man built his house on the sand, the foolish man built his house on the sand the foolish man built his house upon the sand and the wall came tumbling down. Rains came down and floods came up the rains came down and the floods came up the rains and the floods came up and the house on the sand went CRASH!
So what I need to do and where I need to focus is building it on the rock.... Cause the house on the rock stood FIRM!
Whether it be a remodeling, a new baby or a graduation, these events throw us out of our routine and can throw our house into a tail spin.
But I must keep my focus where it needs to be, securely in Jesus.
There are days where I think I can not keep one more plate spinning without losing them all.
Then there are other days.... I have to admit I am bored and itching for something to do.
BALANCE is the key.
To me it goes back to the old song I learned in church as a little girl....
The foolish man built his house on the sand, the foolish man built his house on the sand the foolish man built his house upon the sand and the wall came tumbling down. Rains came down and floods came up the rains came down and the floods came up the rains and the floods came up and the house on the sand went CRASH!
So what I need to do and where I need to focus is building it on the rock.... Cause the house on the rock stood FIRM!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Ch 6~ That's what freinds are for
This chapter will be easier for me.
Everyone says I am a friend to everyone.
Not sure that is true but..... I am sociable.
My freindships are usually tried and true.
I love my friends but have seen many freindships come and go.
At first, when I had young children, it was very difficult on me to have a freindship dwindle and fade out.
But now, I see it as God's timing for me. Either I needed that friend or that friend needed me.
God designed relationships and He has the ultimate plan for furthering and growing each relationship we are in.
Just as the seasons change so do my friendships.
And because God is the author of all, I know He will provided whom I need or need to be for someone else.
Just like David and Johnathan or Ruth and Naomi God provides what each person needs.
He completes the bond! I love that!
Everyone says I am a friend to everyone.
Not sure that is true but..... I am sociable.
My freindships are usually tried and true.
I love my friends but have seen many freindships come and go.
At first, when I had young children, it was very difficult on me to have a freindship dwindle and fade out.
But now, I see it as God's timing for me. Either I needed that friend or that friend needed me.
God designed relationships and He has the ultimate plan for furthering and growing each relationship we are in.
Just as the seasons change so do my friendships.
And because God is the author of all, I know He will provided whom I need or need to be for someone else.
Just like David and Johnathan or Ruth and Naomi God provides what each person needs.
He completes the bond! I love that!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Ch5~ Marriage~ What mode am I stuck in!!!
Ok what mode am I stuck in!!
I have been married now for 24 years!
And I am God's girl 1st, Todd's 2nd, and a Momma 3rd...
Why OH Why do I keep getting being a momma confused with being a WIFE!
I am so guilty of treating my husband like one of my kids.
Expecting that he is not competent to do certain things.
Also that he is constant need of my prodding and reminders.
He is an adult that God has equipped and provided HIM for me.
I can trace a ton of my issues back to the baggage I brought into my marriage. (Lets just say I need more than a U haul) I need to deal with these and not be handing off my carry on's to my husband, children, and even my friends as I so often do...
When I do not deal with my issues they show up as insecurity and I look like a paranoid & neurotic person trying to control everything.
My gratitude needs to be in the constant PROVISION and GRACE that God gives me DAILY. And also the GRACE He gives my Husband in dealing with my nagging.
I am giving God the space to unpack these bags.
I have been married now for 24 years!
And I am God's girl 1st, Todd's 2nd, and a Momma 3rd...
Why OH Why do I keep getting being a momma confused with being a WIFE!
I am so guilty of treating my husband like one of my kids.
Expecting that he is not competent to do certain things.
Also that he is constant need of my prodding and reminders.
He is an adult that God has equipped and provided HIM for me.
I can trace a ton of my issues back to the baggage I brought into my marriage. (Lets just say I need more than a U haul) I need to deal with these and not be handing off my carry on's to my husband, children, and even my friends as I so often do...
When I do not deal with my issues they show up as insecurity and I look like a paranoid & neurotic person trying to control everything.
My gratitude needs to be in the constant PROVISION and GRACE that God gives me DAILY. And also the GRACE He gives my Husband in dealing with my nagging.
I am giving God the space to unpack these bags.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
No More Perfect Moms~ch 4~ My Multi Purpose Body
When I read the title of Chapter 4, I groaned and thought, Oh No...No more perfect bodies.... Really???
Just what I need after all the Christmas goodies I have eaten.
This chapter is gonna hurt.
But as I read, God showed me I was closer to healing than hurting in this area.
Ever since I was young, I struggled with my weight. And still battle food choices daily. Some days I win.... some days I don't. But during my battle, I have used my body as God has provided. Here is a short list of what This BIG BEAUTIFUL BODY HAS DONE!
I have been pregnant 5 times.... I have carried 3 to term. God has BLESSED my womb and made it fruitful. Even with the pain of loss.
My breasts have fed my children, though I was not successful in feeding them a long as most mom's. (my kids HATED breastfeeding!)
I experienced it, and now God has showed me they are multipurpose and we are on to use #2. (HA!)
My arms have lifted more laundry baskets than a Olympic weightlifter has lifted. I can not bench press or do curls but my arms strong enough for MY purpose.
My brain can not compute complicated precalculus problems or solve world peace, but it can coordinate 5 schedules, add meal planning, church, 1 boyfriend, and keep the house running in a semi organized fashion. Precalculus is sooooo overrated!
My feet have endured enough legos that I am pretty sure walking on hot burning coals would be a breeze!
My hands are strong enough to kneed bread, yet gentle enough to wipe a tear from the cheek of my daughter who has a broken heart.
My body does have a purpose. MULTI PURPOSE!
May I continue to use it for HIS GLORY!
Just what I need after all the Christmas goodies I have eaten.
This chapter is gonna hurt.
But as I read, God showed me I was closer to healing than hurting in this area.
Ever since I was young, I struggled with my weight. And still battle food choices daily. Some days I win.... some days I don't. But during my battle, I have used my body as God has provided. Here is a short list of what This BIG BEAUTIFUL BODY HAS DONE!
I have been pregnant 5 times.... I have carried 3 to term. God has BLESSED my womb and made it fruitful. Even with the pain of loss.
My breasts have fed my children, though I was not successful in feeding them a long as most mom's. (my kids HATED breastfeeding!)
I experienced it, and now God has showed me they are multipurpose and we are on to use #2. (HA!)
My arms have lifted more laundry baskets than a Olympic weightlifter has lifted. I can not bench press or do curls but my arms strong enough for MY purpose.
My brain can not compute complicated precalculus problems or solve world peace, but it can coordinate 5 schedules, add meal planning, church, 1 boyfriend, and keep the house running in a semi organized fashion. Precalculus is sooooo overrated!
My feet have endured enough legos that I am pretty sure walking on hot burning coals would be a breeze!
My hands are strong enough to kneed bread, yet gentle enough to wipe a tear from the cheek of my daughter who has a broken heart.
My body does have a purpose. MULTI PURPOSE!
May I continue to use it for HIS GLORY!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
No More perfect Moms~Ch 3~ My kids are not perfect!
My kids are not perfect!
I know this because God is continually using their imperfections to change me.
Right now in my life my biggest challenges has been overestimating my child's ability.
I am expecting adult like decisions..... this from people who stand in front of the refrigerator with the door open for 10 minuets trying to decide what to eat for lunch.
How can I expect them to make a decision of what activity they need to drop because their schedule is too full, to decide a career path in jr. high, or even decided on ending a relationship that will effect the rest of their life?
I fully accept my role as mother and enjoy it so much. Yes there is a BUT coming.
But I have been finding that just because God made me their mother,
I am a control FREAK!
And part of my reality is that I have several children & a spouse who are passive.
And lets just say decision making is not a priority to them.
So I take it upon myself to help them decide things.
Some of this has to do with my impatience but a bigger part is my insecurity.
What WE need is LOVE! Unconditional love.
God gives it to me,
I need to:
a) receive it
b) give it
Jill Savage says in No More Perfect Moms, "by loving unconditionally & providing a secure environment, Love makes it safe to fail."
I need to reject my insecurities and accept God's grace to fail.
Doing this will free me from having to be in control and let God do His job that I stole.
You can read the First three chapters of No More Perfect Moms here:http://www.amazon.com/No-More-Perfect-Moms-Learn/dp/0802406378/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1357254677&sr=8-1&keywords=no+more+perfect+moms
I know this because God is continually using their imperfections to change me.
Right now in my life my biggest challenges has been overestimating my child's ability.
I am expecting adult like decisions..... this from people who stand in front of the refrigerator with the door open for 10 minuets trying to decide what to eat for lunch.
How can I expect them to make a decision of what activity they need to drop because their schedule is too full, to decide a career path in jr. high, or even decided on ending a relationship that will effect the rest of their life?
I fully accept my role as mother and enjoy it so much. Yes there is a BUT coming.
But I have been finding that just because God made me their mother,
I am a control FREAK!
And part of my reality is that I have several children & a spouse who are passive.
And lets just say decision making is not a priority to them.
So I take it upon myself to help them decide things.
Some of this has to do with my impatience but a bigger part is my insecurity.
What WE need is LOVE! Unconditional love.
God gives it to me,
I need to:
a) receive it
b) give it
Jill Savage says in No More Perfect Moms, "by loving unconditionally & providing a secure environment, Love makes it safe to fail."
I need to reject my insecurities and accept God's grace to fail.
Doing this will free me from having to be in control and let God do His job that I stole.
You can read the First three chapters of No More Perfect Moms here:http://www.amazon.com/No-More-Perfect-Moms-Learn/dp/0802406378/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1357254677&sr=8-1&keywords=no+more+perfect+moms
Saturday, January 5, 2013
No More Perfect Moms~Ch 2~ Clutter
In chapter 2 I got hit with the question...
What clutters my heart?
Wow! Not my mind, my schedule or my day....my heart.
In a true assessment and as Jill so graciously points out it is my PRIDE & INSECURITY.
When my Daughter was in the 4th Grade (8years old) she fell at school and broke her arm.
I was called and rushed to the school to get her and take her to the Dr.
When I arrived at the school, it was close to the end of the day, a friend who was a teacher offered to take my younger 2 kids. (Kindergarten and 2 years old)
I did not want them to be a hassle to anyone and thought I can handle this crisis and even though I was slightly panicked. So off we went.
So as we arrive at the pediatricians office for an x ray..... about an hour later, lots of tears,(by the bored 2 year old) and games of eye spy , followed by more tears ( this time by the 5 year old) a break was diagnosed. And because of the type of break we had to go see a specialist.God's grace showed up by not having an appointment that day we had to wait till the following morning.
Why did I not accept the help from my friend? She is a preschool teacher and I am sure she would have handled my kids better than I did that afternoon in the peds office.
When Pride come in Jill says" Pride keeps us from apologizing, builds up walls,crushes kindnesses, and kills intimacy."
I killed my friends kindness by not accepting help that day and did not realize it till I read that sentence in the book. (The child that broke her arm is now 17)
When I have to do things my way because of pride, it is like a
"tight chain wrapped around my heart",Jill says
And it binds me up.
Insecurity is another thing that is a BIG clutter of my heart.
I doubt my abilities or listen to the negative voices and get easily distracted.
Then I start focusing on ME and taking my eyes off God.
The Perfection Infection makes us judge ourselves and second guess what God and our heart are telling us.
I love spring cleaning and purging out closets. It feels so freeing to get rid of the stuff that bogs me down.
Time for PRIDE and INSECURITY to go out with the trash.
More of you God less of me!
What clutters my heart?
Wow! Not my mind, my schedule or my day....my heart.
In a true assessment and as Jill so graciously points out it is my PRIDE & INSECURITY.
When my Daughter was in the 4th Grade (8years old) she fell at school and broke her arm.
I was called and rushed to the school to get her and take her to the Dr.
When I arrived at the school, it was close to the end of the day, a friend who was a teacher offered to take my younger 2 kids. (Kindergarten and 2 years old)
I did not want them to be a hassle to anyone and thought I can handle this crisis and even though I was slightly panicked. So off we went.
So as we arrive at the pediatricians office for an x ray..... about an hour later, lots of tears,(by the bored 2 year old) and games of eye spy , followed by more tears ( this time by the 5 year old) a break was diagnosed. And because of the type of break we had to go see a specialist.God's grace showed up by not having an appointment that day we had to wait till the following morning.
Why did I not accept the help from my friend? She is a preschool teacher and I am sure she would have handled my kids better than I did that afternoon in the peds office.
When Pride come in Jill says" Pride keeps us from apologizing, builds up walls,crushes kindnesses, and kills intimacy."
I killed my friends kindness by not accepting help that day and did not realize it till I read that sentence in the book. (The child that broke her arm is now 17)
When I have to do things my way because of pride, it is like a
"tight chain wrapped around my heart",Jill says
And it binds me up.
Insecurity is another thing that is a BIG clutter of my heart.
I doubt my abilities or listen to the negative voices and get easily distracted.
Then I start focusing on ME and taking my eyes off God.
The Perfection Infection makes us judge ourselves and second guess what God and our heart are telling us.
I love spring cleaning and purging out closets. It feels so freeing to get rid of the stuff that bogs me down.
Time for PRIDE and INSECURITY to go out with the trash.
More of you God less of me!
Friday, January 4, 2013
No More Perfect Moms ~Chapter 1~ My Masks
I admit it I want everyone to think that I have all my ducks in a row!
But really I am a mess, my duckling are everywhere but in a row, and some of them are making noises that would embarrass even the toughest goose!
But I can put on a pretty good show and with the right mask covering my face and any other part that might show, NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW!
Needless to say I am one quack away from a funny farm and no one really knows it.
I have a collection of masks:
The Perfect Wife mask- it hides my disobedience and willingness to yield to my husband.
The Best Mom in the world mask- it hides my short temper, my meddling, and my sarcastic tone.
A Homeschool Mom mask- it hides my "Oh CRAP" moments of failed lessons, lesson plans, and being behind on my grading.
My Friend mask- it hides most of the above failures and also makes me seem like I am hospitable, gracious, and caring.
My Volunteer mask- it hides my grumpy attitude of feeling like I HAVE TO.
My Child of God mask- this one is so deceptive, even to myself, I put this one on so others think I am SUPER CHRISTIAN.
Quite a collection I have for myself.......
I need to remember what the LORD told Samuel in Sam. 16:7 "The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Destroying my masks and showing my failures lets God deal with my heart. Guess that is my 2013 resoultion!
No more Perfect Moms~ Jill Savage~ Excerpt from Chapter 1-(condensed)
You are not the only mom who feels worthless
You are not the only mom who yelled at her kids today
You are not the only mom who has struggled with infertility
You are not the only mom that wishes her husband would hold her and listen to her
You are not the only mom who feels she has no friends
You are not the only mom who wants to run away
You are not alone. You are among friends struggling with these same issues
But really I am a mess, my duckling are everywhere but in a row, and some of them are making noises that would embarrass even the toughest goose!
But I can put on a pretty good show and with the right mask covering my face and any other part that might show, NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW!
Needless to say I am one quack away from a funny farm and no one really knows it.
I have a collection of masks:
The Perfect Wife mask- it hides my disobedience and willingness to yield to my husband.
The Best Mom in the world mask- it hides my short temper, my meddling, and my sarcastic tone.
A Homeschool Mom mask- it hides my "Oh CRAP" moments of failed lessons, lesson plans, and being behind on my grading.
My Friend mask- it hides most of the above failures and also makes me seem like I am hospitable, gracious, and caring.
My Volunteer mask- it hides my grumpy attitude of feeling like I HAVE TO.
My Child of God mask- this one is so deceptive, even to myself, I put this one on so others think I am SUPER CHRISTIAN.
Quite a collection I have for myself.......
I need to remember what the LORD told Samuel in Sam. 16:7 "The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Destroying my masks and showing my failures lets God deal with my heart. Guess that is my 2013 resoultion!
No more Perfect Moms~ Jill Savage~ Excerpt from Chapter 1-(condensed)
You are not the only mom who feels worthless
You are not the only mom who yelled at her kids today
You are not the only mom who has struggled with infertility
You are not the only mom that wishes her husband would hold her and listen to her
You are not the only mom who feels she has no friends
You are not the only mom who wants to run away
You are not alone. You are among friends struggling with these same issues
Thursday, January 3, 2013
No More Perfect Moms ~intro~
It is all about the pursuit of perfection.
The Perfection INFECTION!
We are constantly looking at others homes, lives, and Facebook statuses and comparing them to our life.
Each time we do that we come up empty handed and sometimes brokenhearted.
We have empty hands because we stop doing things in our life and strive to be like others.
We become brokenhearted because we failed at trying to be like others and lost our original focus.
This describes our Christmas this year. We all had a picture of what we wanted it to look like, and it was a MIRAGE.
Now, it was not a total disaster but it was not idyllic either.
As Jill says in the introduction to No More Perfect Moms http://www.hearts-at-home.org/index.php/nmpm-about/nmpm-about-2 we were so busy "chasing after perfection" that we were missing the most important parts of life.
When we refocused on the true meaning of Christmas, the mess was averted.
But I need to give up the idea that it all has to be perfect.
God can use my imperfection & the imperfection of my family to bring Him glory.
The Perfection INFECTION!
We are constantly looking at others homes, lives, and Facebook statuses and comparing them to our life.
Each time we do that we come up empty handed and sometimes brokenhearted.
We have empty hands because we stop doing things in our life and strive to be like others.
We become brokenhearted because we failed at trying to be like others and lost our original focus.
This describes our Christmas this year. We all had a picture of what we wanted it to look like, and it was a MIRAGE.
Now, it was not a total disaster but it was not idyllic either.
As Jill says in the introduction to No More Perfect Moms http://www.hearts-at-home.org/index.php/nmpm-about/nmpm-about-2 we were so busy "chasing after perfection" that we were missing the most important parts of life.
When we refocused on the true meaning of Christmas, the mess was averted.
But I need to give up the idea that it all has to be perfect.
God can use my imperfection & the imperfection of my family to bring Him glory.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
No More Perfect Mom's
I have been asked with 100 other mom's to preview a new book by Jill Savage called No More Perfect Mom's. It comes out in February.
What an amazing Blessing!
I have been challenged and am being changed as I am reading it.
The introduction alone has me holding my breath.
I am so excited to be able to share bits of this book with you and to start the self examination of this "perfect" mommyness that we all have been lead to believe is real. When it is only a figment of our imagination.
So my challenge to you is to
1) preview the book, http://www.hearts-at-home.org/index.php/nmpm-about/nmpm-about-2
2)sign up for the email challenge http://www.hearts-at-home.org/index.php/nmpm-about/nmpm-email
3) keep reading my blog and be prayerful that this book will transform me and other mom's to change our unrealistic expectations to help lead a REAL but IMPERFECT life.
What an amazing Blessing!
I have been challenged and am being changed as I am reading it.
The introduction alone has me holding my breath.
I am so excited to be able to share bits of this book with you and to start the self examination of this "perfect" mommyness that we all have been lead to believe is real. When it is only a figment of our imagination.
So my challenge to you is to
1) preview the book, http://www.hearts-at-home.org/index.php/nmpm-about/nmpm-about-2
2)sign up for the email challenge http://www.hearts-at-home.org/index.php/nmpm-about/nmpm-email
3) keep reading my blog and be prayerful that this book will transform me and other mom's to change our unrealistic expectations to help lead a REAL but IMPERFECT life.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Loving thy neighbor ~3~
The last 2 verses Romans 13:10 & Galatians 5:14 sum it all up.
The other verses in past blogs are the gift, the box, and the paper.
These two are the bows on the packages.
This is what make it so glamorous.
Those to verses say it is the fulfillment.
That means that is what completes it.
Nothing else needs to be done by you this completes all the legal things that God requires. Love Him & your neighbors.
I liken this to a Supreme Court ruling. That is it. No where else to go.
God says when we love our neighbor it is good and we are fulfilling His commands.
This is HIS RULING....Totally challenged by this.
God bless!
The other verses in past blogs are the gift, the box, and the paper.
These two are the bows on the packages.
This is what make it so glamorous.
Those to verses say it is the fulfillment.
That means that is what completes it.
Nothing else needs to be done by you this completes all the legal things that God requires. Love Him & your neighbors.
I liken this to a Supreme Court ruling. That is it. No where else to go.
God says when we love our neighbor it is good and we are fulfilling His commands.
This is HIS RULING....Totally challenged by this.
God bless!
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