
The reason I do what I do!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Lincoln.....Honesty from Hollywood?

We went on a double date on Saturday with my daughter and her boyfriend and saw the movie Lincoln.

I am a HUGE civil war buff and love this time period so as soon as it started I was captivated.
I love the bad wall paper, the over the top bustles on dresses, and even the ink blotter that was so accurate for the times.

But believe it or not the movie had some family and marital elements that I was surprised that Steven Spielberg put in.

It was real and honest in this sense. The way Lincolns relationships between his wife and sons was so real it brought me to tears.

It showed conflict and strife and love and endearment to a wife who had been so grief stricken and mad over the death of her son. But through it all Lincoln showed his continual love and acceptance in her no matter her state of mind. Only in losing a child can you feel what she felt. He on the other hand admitted he handled his grief another way. For Hollywood to show that marriage is a strong bond through good and bad and that there is a give and take and something that only death could separate was inspiring to me. Most that has been written about Mary Todd Lincoln has been negative but I think they showed her as a true helpmate to her husband and him as a faithful husband even in tough times.

The other thing that blew me away was the honesty of how Lincoln favored his children. It was written about in Genesis how Rebekah and Issac favored Jacob & Esau. But this is one area that I thought Hollywood would gloss over in his life.

In all this I found the movie to show the real man Lincoln was. The real life family and political struggles he had weighed on him daily. He was the man God had set apart for a specific time in history. Looking at where Lincoln started and his education I see God can use anyone if they are willing to be a humble vessel for Him.

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